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Re: gac experiment

Hello !
I think this Mail is going to /dev/null , but i have to say something !

I am now 5 Years on IRCnet and 2 Years on this Mailinglist and follow exactly
every Mail
on this List, and i must say , that the most coders of ircd hang and idle
around on #eu-opers or something
else and dont see the reality on IRCnet !
So whats the Deal ?
I will tell all here on this Mailinglist as founder of the 2. biggest Chatroom
on IRCnet (500 Users)
whats up here on IRCnet.

1995 - 1997 - Serverop Takeovers - fixed due blocking temporally channels on
split !  Good work !
1997 - 1998 - Massive Cloning - Flooding - Pornspam with Open Proxys - fixed
with iauth sockscheck ! Good !
1998 - 1999 - Channelovertakes due Massive Collides - Lagcolliders - Not fixed
(exempt gac patched servers)

I must say , the one and only who has really do some good things on IRCnet to
prevent Channeltakeovers
is Guenthi with his gac patch, he *knows* whats happened on IRCnet !
The most Takeovercrews was shocked about gac patch , and avoid *.de Channels
Now they do smurf , but i hope it will fixed in the futures on the most Oc12
Oc48 Routers with ICMP/UDP traffic limit.

!Channels is the greatest *sh...* i have ever seen on a Network.
I and many other Channeloperators thinks it is useless, difficult for Users ,
and who is using it exempt coders or some Opers ?
Many Users dont know whats happened with +exempt or +invitation , but its a
good idea.
I wish some Opers, Coders  would wake up and see whats usefull and whats
useless on IRCnet.
Well , i know i was one of them, who has do many abuse things on IRCnet , but
i have stop it , and would help to make
IRCnet to a save and better Place for Users.
Because this quotes on the biggest Channels on IRCnet:
#chatzone can't join channel (invite only) +smtin
#italia can't join channel (invite only) +smtin
#funfactory can't join channel (invite only) +smtin
#sesso can't join channel (invite only) +mtinl
aren`t good !

Just my Point of view ... now think about it.

Thanks for your Ears.

MfG.... best Regards
Christian - HERZ - Makowski
     A - d - m - i - n - i - s - t - r - a - t - o - r :
i-dea Communications NRW Germany / Cyber/I-Cafe i-palace
IRC Network insiderZ Net Clientserver irc.insiderz.de
     A - t - t - a - i - n - a - b - l - e    o - n :
IRC: IRCnet@#flirtcafe/#flirt.DE  InsiderZ.NeT@#insiderZ
ICQ: 34895207 E-Mail: herz@xxxxxxxx Phone: +49 (0) 1737579497