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Re: Resolver problems

> [...]
> at least there is code for this.. there seems to be an option
> which will cause only 1 ns to be used, but i don't see it
> being set anywhere.  it might still be which would explain
> the behaviour above.

I know that the described behaviour is even standard for the resolver libs
of Linux because i had this trouble even with bouncers and screens. When i
changed /etc/resolv.conf because the first (and at that timepoint only) NS
was not reachable, the changes didnt take effekt until i killed and
restarted those Processes.

> there is no way to re-read resolv.conf

there should (-:

-- mc
(Rico Gloeckner  [*mc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(Newnet)] [mc@iRCNet])
// mc@xxxxxxxx  //  mc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  // mc@xxxxxxxxxxx //