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Re: Can a prompt be fixed?

On 27.10 20:11, Christian Schäfer wrote:
> I am currently developing a configuration tool that takes commands
> from several channels on our irc server (that still has to be chosen and
> installed).
> since this tool acts as a shell displaying its current mode with
> the prompt (expl: "Tool(global-config)> ") it is vital that the prompt
> given by the irc-server is NOT dependant on the nicks but on one fixed
> value, that ideally can be altered by the channel-owner.

well, you are probably talking about IRC client, not the server

> <not wanted>
>      user_one > Hi! I am user_one!
>      user_two > Nice to meet you! My nick is user_two.
> </not wanted>
> <urgendly wanted>
>      Tool(global-config) > Hi! I am user_one!
>      Tool(global-config) > Nice to meet you! My nick is user_two.
> </urgendly wanted>

this is not the IRC protocol, this is how you see it in irc client.

> is this entirely possible?

you can easily do this by using client scripts for ircII or irssi or other

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