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Re: connecting on a private network

On Mon, Mar 26, 2001 at 11:59:28AM -0500, John Saylor wrote:
> Yes and I get stuff like this:
> -host1.domain.tld:&NOTICES- Unauthorized server from *.domain.tld[nobody@xxxxxxx].

That means there is something wrong with the c/n lines.  Either
you don't have a C/N line at all for "*.domain.tld", or the
ip/host is wrong.

Note that you can't mask a server if it has the same domain.  If
this host is in domain1.tld, and the other is too, you can't mask
the other.

If one is in domain1.tld, and the other in domain2.tld, there is
no problem.

> -host1.domain.tld:&NOTICES- Connection to HOST2.DOMAIN.TLD[*@] activated.
> This is what I see with my client on host1.
> You can see that ircd runs as nobody, and that I've set up a 1 level wildcard mask for the server.

You mean that you used a 1 in the N-line?

Assuming that you have h1.d1.tld, and h2.d2.tld.
And you want h1.d1.tld to show as *.d1.tld to h2.d2.tld, and you
want h2.d2.tld to show normal, not masked.

>From h1.d1.tld's point of view there would be a h1.d1.tld, and a
h2.d2.tld, and from h2.d2.tld's point of view, there would be
h2.d2.tld and *.d1.tld.

If you want to do that, you could use:

in h1.d1.tld's conf:

in h2.d2.tld's conf:

Note the 1 in the first N-line.  It said how many parts of your
hostname to change into * for that link.
An other server could see you with an other mask, for instance
you can mask *.tld to someone outside your tld.

You can change the hosts in the first field by ip, if you want.
The class, is something you should probably change to what you
want to use for it.  You might want to put a port in it, if you
want it to auto connect ...
If you compiled with crypted link passwds, you need to crypt the
passwd in the N-line.

I hope this helps.
