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Re: connecting on a private network


> On Fri, Mar 23, 2001 at 11:23:49AM -0500, John Saylor wrote:
> > I'm developing a private irc network and I can't get my servers to talk
> > to each other!

( 01.03.23 22:26 +0100 ) Kurt Roeckx:
> Are you in &ERRORS and &NOTICES too?  You should see more usefull
> messages there.

Yes and I get stuff like this:
-host1.domain.tld:&NOTICES- Unauthorized server from *.domain.tld[nobody@xxxxxxx].
-host1.domain.tld:&NOTICES- Connection to HOST2.DOMAIN.TLD[*@] activated.
-host1.domain.tld:&ERRORS- udp port recvfrom (host1.domain.tld): Connection refused
-host1.domain.tld:&ERRORS- Lost connection to HOST2.DOMAIN.TLD[nobody@xxxxxxx]:Success
-host1.domain.tld:&NOTICES- HOST2.DOMAIN.TLD[nobody@xxxxxxx] had been connected for 0,  0:00:02
-host1.domain.tld:&NOTICES- Unauthorized server from *.domain.tld[nobody@xxxxxxx].
-host1.domain.tld:&NOTICES- Connection to HOST2.DOMAIN.TLD[*@] activated.
-host1.domain.tld:&ERRORS- udp port recvfrom (host1.domain.tld): Connection refused
-host1.domain.tld:&ERRORS- Lost connection to HOST2.DOMAIN.TLD[nobody@xxxxxxx]:Success
-host1.domain.tld:&NOTICES- HOST2.DOMAIN.TLD[nobody@xxxxxxx] had been connected for 0,  0:00:01

This is what I see with my client on host1.

You can see that ircd runs as nobody, and that I've set up a 1 level wildcard mask for the server.

> I think it's a password problem.  You probably compiled it with
> crypt support, but didn't crypt it properly.  If you defined
> CRYPT_LINK_PASSWORD, the passwd in the N-line should be crypted.

Yes, it is. In fact, I put the same string in the c: [zlib compression] and N: lines in both servers and it
still doesn't connect.

I run ircd-mkpasswd and enter the plaintext password at the prompt, then just copy it to ircd.conf. I'm thinking of compiling the servers in debugmode just to try and see what I'm doing wrong.

Any suggestions?


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