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Re: Most recent version of the FAQ?

On Thu, Apr 27, 2000 at 09:41:36PM -0400, Jack Twilley wrote:
> >>>>> "Piotr" == Piotr Kucharski <chopin@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> Jack> What's the most recent version of the FAQ?  I can't find
> Jack> anything that talks about 2.10.3 at all.
> Piotr> What questions do you have? :)
> Ah, I see.  With a frequency of 1, here are the FAQs I have:
>  * how do iauth and mod_passwd work together to authenticate
>    access to an ircd?

Afaik, mod_passwd doesn't really work yet, it's more something to
demostrate how it should be done.

iauth will call mod_passwd (passwd_start() ?), and depeding on the return
value iauth knows that it isn't finished yet, and will call it again

The module can reject clients, by sending it to ircd, and then make iauth
stop authenticate it, by setting an option on the client data.

It's just the same like all other modules in iauth work.

>  * what known security holes exist in ircd 2.10.3?

There are no known security holes.

>  * what sort of watchdog techniques are recommended to maximize
>    availability of services and bots?

You could use some simple script that runs from crontab or something, or
some simple program like ircdwatch.
