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Re: LIST, service or fix of code

-> > SQUERY listservice list [options] mask*
-> > options:
-> > -min x            minimum users on a channel
-> > -max x            maximum users on a channel
-> > -mode +mode-mode  check against channel mode
-> and
-> -mode =<mode>        (exact match - e.g. -mode =+nt)
-> I suppose "-mode +t-l" means list channels that has at least +t but not
-> -l.

I meaned this way:

+tn means channel has tn set
-im means channel has im unset
=tn means channel is exactly +tn nothing more and nothing less

-> > -t topic*         topic of the channel shall contain topic*
-> And " should be the only thing to group words? Or '? How about \ ? (happy
-> coding) :-/
-> And something like "-life -3d -life +1h" (channel existed between one hour
-> and 3 days). It shouldn't be a problem for the service to keep track of
-> lifetime of a channel (except during splits).

interesting idea; but I'd like to see at least some list service before
someone will implement this (heh nice from me... do as you want if you'll
implement it)

 Matus "fantomas" Uhlar, sysadmin at Telenor Internet Kosice, Slovakia
 BIC coord for *.sk; admin of netlab.irc.sk; co-admin of irc.felk.cvut.cz
 "Where do you want to go to die?" [Microsoft]