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Re: ideas to improve ircnet (was: where are we heading to)

On Mar 17, Thomas Kuiper wrote:
| 1. New user modes
|   +h : This will add a new nummeric to the ircd, named:

adding new privileges is a no no.
and this kind of functionnality can easily be implemented
using a service.

|   +m
|   If users whine that they got nuked, this is the solve of it.
|   hello.world.org would gets translated to *.world.org,
|   would get translated to 192.168.10.* so that you see the users

this is not sufficient to keep someone from either guessing
or finding your IP.

| 2. Command addons
|   LIST -> sucks, cause it generates a really huge sendq
|   (its like doing /NAMES in the current net) so this command
|   should allow wildcards in some way that it doesnt flood you off.

whine whine whine,
i've said over and over again that a service could replace
/list.. still have to see someone stepping forward.

i've also considered adding matching in ircd for list and
names but never got around to it and am not sure it's such a
good idea anymore considering it's adding strain to the