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any samples of iauth.conf and external program ?

I'm trying authentication on iauth with external program, but I'm
confused by the documents how should it be set and configured.
I don't have experience enough on irc config.

question 1: how should I write in iauth.conf ? I guess as below

	module pipe
		option = <string>
		host = <host-name>
		ip = <ip-address>
		prog = /path/to/external/program

right ?

question 2: how should I write external program ?

what does iauth.conf(5) mean about i/o ?

re input, shoukd it get arguments from stdin like
	program <clinet IP> <port>
	program <port> <clinet IP>
and re output, should it print 'Y' or 'N' to stdout ?

question 3: are there any good samples or documentations about this ?

World Wide Web Consortium
Keio Research Institute at SFC, Keio University
Takeshi Yamane <yamachan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>