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Re: server response delayed

On Thu, Nov 01, 2001 at 12:39:34PM +0100, Kurt Roeckx wrote:
> An other possibility is that iauth hasn't finnished it's
> authentication.  A reason that might happen is that you blocked
> some port, like 1080, in the firewall.  You need to make sure you
> deny the packet (and give a proper reply), and not reject it.

I learned that Terminology for this on different implemetions suck,
one call it Deny/Reject, others call it Drop/Deny, so you have to be
careful about which terms you use.

On Ports 80, 1080, 8080, 3128, 113 Packets shouldnt be simply dropped
(i.e. just thrown away), but instead rejected (sending Port Unreach or 
Packet with Ack/Fin to the ircd Machine) - if no service is running
on that port.

| Rico -mc- Gloeckner |     <mc@xxxxxxxxx>     | {ICQ:99798577} |
| <http://1048576735> | mc @ irc.tu-ilmenau.de | <sms@xxxxxxxx> |
| :wq