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Re: Re: userID starting with numeric char

On Thu, May 10, 2001 at 10:23:05AM -0000, Prashant  Desai wrote:
> whould you please guide me what kind of the trouble it could create ? we will never ,ever have same login(nick name) for two users ? 
> please guide me what kind of problems it can create so that we can think before changing the you suggested 

In the 2.11 version we will be using nicks starting with a digit
for a special purpose.  This is to prevent nick collision that can
happen when you have multiple servers.

Every client can choose it's own nickname, and it's not possible
that 2 clients have the same nickname because of how irc works.

May I ask why that you want nicks to start with a digit?  Do you
want to base their nick on some kind of login from an other
system?  Maybe you should just prefix that login with an other
character in that case.
