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Re: safe channel quirks

-> afaik, according to the rfc, # is a legal character within a channel name
-> but the safe channel protocol is not handling it properly.  If the first
-> character of a safe channel shortname is '#', the server gets confused
-> and treats it as a prefix instead of a normal chan name character.
-> '/join !!#test-prefix' creates a safe channel with the short name '#test-prefix'
-> '/join !#test-prefix' creates a safe channel with the short name 'test-prefix'
-> If a channel with the short name #test-prefix has not been created, '/join !#test-prefix' does not return the expected "That channel does not exist, but creates a new channel with the shortname 'test-prefix'
-> If a channel with the short name #test-prefix exists, other sending '/join !#test-prefix' get an error 'Duplicate !#test-prefix recipients. Join aborted', as instead of joining the existing channel, the server tries to create a new channel then aborts channel creation since it already exists.
-> afaik, that is a bug.

well I never understood why must !channels be created !! and why join
tries to dinf out long name if channel with defined short name doesn't

imho join !!channel should mean short name and !channel should require long
name - must easier, isn't it?
 Matus "fantomas" Uhlar, sysadmin at NEXTRA, Slovakia; IRCNET admin of *.sk
 uhlar@xxxxxxxxxxx ; http://www.fantomas.sk/ ; http://www.nextra.sk/
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