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Re: ¡Ya es hora de trabajar de otra forma!

On Monday 05 March 2001 20:28, infoProjects.IT.Espana@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> Buenos días,
> Este es un mensaje que se envía de forma automática. Si no estás interesado
> y no recibimos noticias tuyas, no contactaremos otra vez contigo.
> ¡Ya es hora de trabajar de otra forma!
> Hay trabajadores felices y hay trabajadores frustrados. Freelance.com,
> líder mundial en la prestación de servicios a freelances, permite que
> consigas tu independencia.
> Con Freelance.com dispondrás mejor de tu tiempo y tus perspectivas
> profesionales se multiplicarán gracias al respaldo de nuestra red. Contarás
> con el apoyo personalizado de expertos que identificarán los mejores
> proyectos para impulsar tu desarrollo profesional. Nuestra posición de
> líder te garantiza la calidad y la posibilidad de elegir tus proyectos en
> todo el mundo y te ahorrará el esfuerzo que supone la búsqueda de clientes.
> No busques más, nosotros lo hacemos por ti. Si eres experto en Nuevas
> Tecnologías, regístrate en Freelance.com.
> Te invitamos a visitar nuestra página web www.freelance.com para conocer
> Freelance.com, quiénes somos y cómo trabajamos:
> - inscríbete en nuestra mailing-list de proyectos freelance para recibir
> las nuevas ofertas todos los días. Puedes recibir una lista completa con
> todos los nuevos proyectos o introducir tus campos de preferencia y
> confeccionar tu propia lista personalizada.
> - envíanos tu CV para entrar a formar parte de nuestra base de datos de
> expertos (la confidencialidad es total y no implica compromiso de ningún
> tipo); nos pondremos en contacto contigo cuando recibimos un proyecto que
> se adapte a tu perfil.
> Estos servicios son totalmente gratuitos
> Un saludo,
> El equipo de Freelance.com
> www.freelance.com
> contacto@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Madrid
> Paseo de la Castellana, 147
> Edificio Cuzco IV, planta 18
> 28046     Madrid
> Tel.: +34 91 749 80 77
> Fax: +34 91 570 71 99
> Barcelona
> Gran Vía de Carlos III, 84
> Torres Trade
> 08028     Barcelona
> Tel.: +34 93 496 57 19
> Fax: +34 93 496 57 01

I do not want to receive uninvited solicitations by email (``Junk Email''). I 
am unwilling to receive Junk Email freely because it costs me time and money. 
If you send me any Junk Email other than on the terms of the offer set out in 
the following nine points, I will take this to mean that you plan to use what 
I offered you without paying for it. If you ever try to do this I reserve my 
right to take any action available to me without further reference to you. 
Actions available to me include taking proceedings against you for negligence 
or breach of contract, which may result in substantial damages being awarded 
against you by a court. The unauthorized use of my computing facilities may 
even be a crime. 

1. I offer to receive all further email from you on the terms set out below. 
If you send me any solicitation by email without my express prior written 
consent this will be taken as your acceptance of this offer. 
2. For the purposes of points 3 and 4, you will be taken to have sent any 
email sent by any entity apparently associated with you for the purpose 
of sending email solicitations. 
3. You must pay me twenty Euro's for each such item of email that you send 
4. You must pay me ten US dollars for each copy of each email solicitation 
that you send to anybody or any email address referred to below, even if you 
don't send a copy to me. You may also have to pay other persons as well if 
they have sent you a similar offer.
5. I may join with any of those persons for the purpose of efficiently 
collecting your payments. 
6. You must mail payment by certified check to me within five working days of 
the transmission of the email. If you do not know where to send payment, you 
must state this in the email and give me an easy way to tell you.
7. Each email item must be uniquely identified, and each payment must clearly 
identify the relevant item or items.
8. You must tell me your name and full business and residential addresses in 
each email message. 
9. I may vary the terms of or terminate this offer at any time (even after 
you have accepted it).

Any new terms will apply to all email you send after you have been notified 
of a variation.

E-mail addresses:

Thank you.

// Per von Zweigbergk