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Re: Hostnames

On Tue, Dec 26, 2000 at 01:46:58PM -0500, Rok Pergarec wrote:
> I'm new to ircd. I'm wondering how to change hostnames if the server is
> running on the same machine as I run irc client. So, my hostname on my
> server appers to be @knux.nu, thats because of the /etc/hosts, how can I
> change my hostname to some other domain assigned to my computer?
> export IRCHOST="some.other.host" doesn't work (ircII), even changing the
> reverse host in /etc/hosts has no effect.

irc <nick> <server> -h <hostname>

The Hostname must be really assigned to your machine's IPs.
Another Point: if you use (or corresponding Hostnames)
as the Servername, your machine will not connect to it via privtae
or realworld IPs (but this is based on your routingtables).

i.e. if you want to be user@localhost host on irc, you should use
irc <nick> 
instead of
irc <nick> irc.crowy.org    (example :)

The Point with changing /etc/hosts is that ircd uses an own
resolver library and caches your data, so changing anything
there wouldnt take effect immediately. You either have to
restart ircd or show patience.
  Rico -mc- Gloeckner  |    <mc@xxxxxxxxx>     | {ICQ:99798577} 
mc @ irc.tu-ilmenau.de | <http://www.ukeer.de> | <sms@xxxxxxxx>