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Re: ircd i18n, suggested protocol extension

> The easiest sollution I see for this problem is that the client
> just sends a "LANG XXXX" request before sending either USER or
> NICK.  It should always work.

Except might breaks some IRC proxies and maybe some weird ircds too.

> The strongest point against the PING is that it does not use the
> name of the server sending the request.

What about changing ping to work like "PING :server <data>"? Server would 
then always add the <data> to the PONG reply. This wouldn't necessarily need
to work with remote servers (would be nice though), if client used "PING
:remoteserver somedata" the server could just remove the somedata part.

Then add a kludge for this to support the language selection:

Server: PING :server LANGUAGE
Old client: PONG :server LANGUAGE
New client: PONG :server <language code(s)>

Or if ip spoofing is still a problem it could add the random number between
server and langauge.