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Re: mask-bug, global +r, y:lines

Ville wrote:
> Yea, and any opinions on making +r a global flag? This
> would help with the armies of takeover bots that "keep"
> a channel while they do not in fact even have ops, but
> the servers just honour the +o flag even for +r.
> ie. :local MODE #channel +o remote [who is restricted]
> would lose its meaning.

Yep, I really cannot see any reason for not letting other servers know
if a client is restricted or not (save for a tiny percentage increase in
traffic when a client is introduced to the net). Indeed, I think
propagating the +r flag would cure a few of the anomalies on the

Right now the reop mode on a !channel could result in a remote
restricted user being opped, which would be a bit useless and would
hardly fix an opless channel. Also, +r users with @ shouldn't (in my
opinion) be allowed to influence channel delay - since as Ville put it
"they do not in fact even have ops". And lastly, if +r mode was made
global, it would make it possible to prevent clients from opping +r
people. ("You cannot op <nick> - <nick> is restricted.") And this would
finally get rid of /names, /who and /whois showing people with @ when
they don't really have channel operator powers (reserve the @ symbol for
people who can actually use it).
