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Re: Old ban matches new ban check

>>>>> "Eumel" == Michael 'Eumel' Neumayer <eumel@xxxxxx>
>>>>> "Christophe" == Christophe Kalt <kalt@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>>>>> "Ville" == Ville  <viha@xxxxxx>

  Eumel> From ircu2.10.00:
  Eumel> * Overlapping bans now remove the redundant ones. For
  Eumel>   client synchronisation, the redundant ones are still sent as
  Eumel>   -b modes to the clients (but do not go over server-server
  Eumel>   links).

  Christophe> I'm not in favor of having the server automatically change modes.

Already happens on net-joins :)

  Ville> I think it's pretty confusing to have server change modes
  Ville> like that, but I do agree the "old ban matches new ban"
  Ville> -check is at times annoying. The new feature in ircd's alpha
  Ville> release (notice about the conflicting ban) is imho very
  Ville> welcome and saves (l)users' time and nerves. The fact that
  Ville> ircd gave no notice often made the user think he is either
  Ville> lagged or that he is dealing with an ircd bug.

While the notice is better than nothing, is it the best solution?
Otherwise trying to rectify the situation (by removing the redundant
ban) involves:

	1) A (user-level) race-condition;
	2) A delay in making the ban, which is usually being made on a
           "DO IT NOW!" basis.

 - Andrew "Earthpig" Snare
#!/usr/bin/env python
print(lambda s:s+"("+`s`+")")\
('#!/usr/bin/env python\012print(lambda s:s+"("+`s`+")")\\\012')
print(lambda x:x%`x`)('print(lambda x:x%%`x`)(%s)')

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