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Re: "Virtual host" support?

>>>>> "George" == George Daflidis-Kotsis <gdk@xxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

  George> On Mon, Apr 27, 1998 at 08:23:22PM +0800, Alex N. Ibrado
  George> wrote:

  >> Is there something analogous to httpd's virtual hosts in ircd? I
  >> have a site design/hosting company and some of our clients would
  >> like to have an irc server local to their site. Instead of having
  >> to run a separate ircd on either a) a different IP address or b)
  >> on a non-standard (6667+) port, it would be nice if somehow, for
  >> each "virtual irc server", a single instance of ircd would

  George> Check out
  George> http://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/docs/howto/Virtual-Services-HOWTO

  George> Since ircd can be run through inetd,maybe the solution that
  George> the specific document suggests can accomodate your needs.

  George> I'm also working on that solution for the telnet and ftp
  George> standard services, can't say it's as easy as it sounds. :->

  George> Hope I helped...

At the moment I don't believe ircd 2.9 will work through inetd -- it's
a known bug that needs to be fixed. The ircd itself has
multihoming/virtual host support though. You specify the hostname and
IP in the M-line within your ircd.conf to specify which interface that 
particular instance of the ircd is meant to bind to.

Information can be found in the doc/INSTALL.txt file included in the
distribution or on the web at

 - Andrew
#!/usr/bin/env python
print(lambda s:s+"("+`s`+")")\
('#!/usr/bin/env python\012print(lambda s:s+"("+`s`+")")\\\012')
print(lambda x:x%`x`)('print(lambda x:x%%`x`)(%s)')

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