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Re: some more on "op cheating"

On Tue, 31 Mar 1998, Chris Behrens wrote:

> Then that is not an IRC problem.  That is someone producing some sort of
> denial of service attack which attacks a person outside of IRC...That
> is not a problem ircd can (or should) resolve.

I disagree.

The protocol extends to the client. Since it's not a problem programming
it, I don't see a reason NOT to do it. We can even reach a very reasonable

1) Unique ID's between servers
2) n!u@h from client to server

If both is implemented, you're certain noone gets something not destined
for them.

#2 won't pose a bandwidth problem anymore as it's only used on the client

-- Robert Martin-Legène (RM59), Network Manager, DKnet (AS2109), Denmark

   main(){int a[2],b[2];pipe(a);pipe(b);if(fork()){dup2(a[0],0);dup2(b[1],1)