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On Mar 22, I wrote:
| right now, /invite only overrides +i mode,
| I'm thinking of having it override +b and +l modes as well,
| when issued by a channel operator.

1/ overriding +b is a problem because it becomes difficult
to know if the user is evading the ban, or being invited.

2/ overriding +l seems fine,

3/ overriding +k is the same as giving out the key, thus

#1 is by far the interesting part, and I believe the point
raised is a valid concern.
a way to solve the problem is to have some kind of notice
sent by the user's server when he's overriding a ban thanks
to an invite.  It's annoying:

* most likely the information will be in a message separate
from the join, which means that most bots/scripts will never
get it right
* I can't find any good/elegant way to do this.