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2.9.5 beta

The version 2.9.5 of the irc software is now in beta phase.

It is available from http://www.stealth.net/~kalt/irc/src/irc2.9.5b2.tgz

There are only few changes since 2.9.4, this release was
prompted by recent reports of abuse on IRCNet.

The ChangeLog since 2.9.4 being small, I'm attaching it.
Thu Dec 18 21:48:18 1997  Christophe Kalt

	* channel.c: abusive usage of /names now forbidden.

	* class.c: imposed a minimum of 60 seconds for connect frequencies.

	* struct_def.h, s_misc.c, s_serv.c: check_link() tuning and statistics.

Tue Dec 16 17:12:16 1997  Christophe Kalt

	* s_conf.c: finished D lines.

	* numeric_def.h, struct_def.h, list.c, s_err.c, s_serv.c: added
	check_link() to prevent server links from being flooded by replies
	to user requests.

	* s_bsd.c: try to prevent the server from flooding with UDP pings.

	* channel.c: #foo:*.tld modes were always sent during the burst.

Wed Nov 12 21:02:15 1997  Christophe Kalt

	* struct_def.h, s_conf_ext.h, s_conf.c, ircd.c, chkconf.c,
	numeric_def.h, s_err.c , s_serv.c: added D configuration
	lines. (/stats h)

	* send.c, s_service.c: allocate more dbufs during a service burst
	if needed.

	* channel.c: cosmetics, and fixed the use of MAXPENALTY in m_kick().

	* s_debug.c: too many parameters in a call to sendto_one().