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Re: New JOIN in 2.9.4b8?

> it's definitely the server (b8) and it's certainly a bug.


> *** Kasi (~kl@xxxxxxxxxxx) has joined channel #kasi o

                                            The beep ^
^G BEL \007

since 2.9 ircd sends modes o and v with the JOIN message
This is the case, if the chennel is created or a netjoin
after a netsplit. So you don't see server modes too often

> | if your client still can't handle it, I suggest that you
> | either get a new(/er) client, or #define MIRC_KLUDGE
> ircII EPIC is the best! =)

Doesn't seem so. ircii-2.9_roof parses this information,
but does not show it. I've tried to patch it, but it's not
perfect. For each JOIN with o or v flag ircii triggers a
MODE hook... not very nice if 42 people are joining...
