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Re: Static Channels

At 21:38 +0200 22/09/97, Luigi Messina wrote:

>My suggestion is to use ircu instead of ircd and download Cserve tool from
>ftp.undernet.org. Cserve has an internal list of registered channels who
>will be created
>after connecting to the server. Users can't deop,kick or ban cserve bot and
>you'll have your channel open 24h/24h. There's also an option named stay
>who makes the bot leave the channel when it's empty and rejoin, regainig
>ops and deopping others when a user joins.

Sounds pretty cool.

Anybody know where of ftp.undernet.org I can find it?  I could swear I
looked in every directory and could not find it.

I am running a standalone server which just happens to be ircu.

