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Re: Static Channels

At 09.36 22/09/97 +0800, Rodney C. Jao wrote:

>Thanks a lot for answering my inquiry.
>What I really need to setup is a controlled discussion channel that can 
>exist 24 hours a day without having necessarily a chan-op.  And then
>nobody can be a chan-op on that channel except ones that we can configure.
>Is there a way I can have channels to automatically exist after I launch
>ircd?  Or can I add a list of channels to the ones with the &-prefixed
>channels?   If this is not possible with ircd, is there any other way I
>can achieve this?   


My suggestion is to use ircu instead of ircd and download Cserve tool from
ftp.undernet.org. Cserve has an internal list of registered channels who
will be created
after connecting to the server. Users can't deop,kick or ban cserve bot and
you'll have your channel open 24h/24h. There's also an option named stay
who makes the bot leave the channel when it's empty and rejoin, regainig
ops and deopping others when a user joins.
