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Re: Two questions

On Thu, Aug 09, 2001 at 06:12:14PM +0200, Piotr Swiecicki wrote:
> 1. Is somebody working on services support? I don't see any significiant
> differences in this between versions 2.10.3p1 and p2. I'm going to
> implement my own services and wouldn't like to find out, that version
> 2.10.3p3 don't have the services support...

First, in a patchlevel we do not add new features, we only fix

And secondly, it does support services, and it does for ages, but
I have the feeling you mean different kind of services.  Services
here can not have any effect on channels, which is probably what
you want.

If you want something like chanserv, I suggest you get some
services that link as a server.  The problem would be that it
needs to be compatible with our server.  I have no idea if there
is any, but I do here there are.

> 2. Ocassionaly my server puts in logs such a statement:
>  Cannot accept connections _ip_here_[]:Connection reset by peer
> but what is strange there is no lack of free descriptors on a system, no
> lack of CPU time nor memory. So what is the cause of this error?

This happens when select() says something happened on that fd,
which means there is a new client.  When we call accept() it
returns -1, and sets errno to ECONNRESET.  My manpage does not
mention that accept can set that as error, so we can only guess
what happened.

My guess is that someone tried to connect but disconnected before
we called accept().
