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On Mon, 8 Feb 1999, Ville wrote:

> On Mon, 8 Feb 1999, Robert Martin-Legene wrote:
> > How about writing the client, so it remembers how many PINGs it sent, and
> > how many PONGs it receives? You wouldn't need anything unique in the
> > PING/PONGs. You can easily see if you are 3 PONGs behind.
> Indeed. And you dare to call _that_ elegant?

  What's not elegant about thinking about things for more than 2 seconds?
If you are making a client/script anyway, why bother the server about some
functionality that can be accomplished quite simple anyway?
  Maybe Kasi could comment on a solution like this: Assume we send a PING
every 10 seconds.. every time we send a PING we push a timestamp on the
"stack". When we get a PONG, we pop the oldest one.


PING   (+0)
 PONG  ()
PING   (+10)
 PONG  ()
PING   (+20)
PING   (+20,+30)
PING   (+20,+30,+40)
 PONG  (+30,+40)

Wouldn't this work? Or what am I missing?

-- Robert Martin-Legène / Null ! robert@xxxxxxxxxxxxx