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Re: flood nets


you (Christophe Kalt) wrote:

| Basically, when the server thinks you're in trouble, it
| stops sending the client private msg/notices coming from
| other clients. (toggled on/off with a user mode)

sounds ok. But then you should make sure that others who send a client  
something which then gets blocked by the server get a notice telling them  
that the client is currently in that special mode...

Bye, Kasi

PS: But after all, i think a client should take care of flooding.
    ircii-epic, for example, has a very good (ctcp) flood handling. So if
    anyone's running a dumb client which can still be flooded off, then
    he/she should consider finding a better one... ;)

Kaspar Landsberg, <kl@xxxxxxxxxxx>